Accessing the Server Manager¶
NethServer can be configured using the Server Manager web interface.
You need a web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to access the web interface using the address (URL)
or https://server_name:980
where a.b.c.d and server_name respectively are the server IP address and name
configured during installation.
If the web server module is installed, you can also access the web interface using this address https://server_name/server-manager
The Server Manager uses self-signed SSL certificates. You should explicitly accept them the first time you access the server. The connection is safe and encrypted.
The login page will gave you a trusted access to the web interface. Use following credentials:
- Default user name: root
- Default password: Nethesis,1234
Change the root’s password as soon as possible, by picking a secure one, composed of a random sequence of mixed-case letters, digits and symbols.
If the File server, Email server or any other module requiring Users
and groups module is installed from the Software center, the admin
user is also available to access the web interface with same
privileges as the root
user. See Admin account for