WebTop 4¶
WebTop is a full-featured groupware which implements ActiveSync protocol.
Access to web interface is: https://<server_name>/webtop
Web interface¶
The login to the web application is always with simple user name and password, no matters how many mail domains are configured.
- Server name: mymail.mightydomain.com
- Alternative mail domain: baddomain.net
- User: goofy
- Login: goofy
Active Sync¶
Login to Active Sync account is with <username>@<domain> where <domain>
is the
domain part of server FQDN.
- Server name: mymail.mightydomain.com
- Alternative mail domain: baddomain.net
- User: goofy
- Login: goofy@mightydomain.com
When configuring an Active Sync account, make sure to specify the server address and leave the domain field empty.
Active Sync protocol is supported only on Android and iOS devices. Outlook is not supported. Mail synchronization is currently not supported.
Admin user¶
After installation, WebTop will be accessible with an administrator user. The administrator user can change global settings and login as all other users, but it’s not a system users and can’t access any other services like Mail, Calendar, etc.
Default credentials are:
- User: admin
- Password: admin
Admin user password must be changed from WebTop interface.
Remember to change the admin password just after installation.
To check the mail of the system user admin use the following login: admin@<domain> where <domain>
is the
domain part of server FQDN.
- Server name: mymail.mightydomain.com
- User: admin
- Login: admin@mightydomain.com
WebTop vs SOGo¶
WebTop and SOGo can be installed on the same machine.
ActiveSync is enabled by default on SOGo and WebTop, but if both packages are installed, SOGo will take precedence.
To disable ActiveSync on SOGo:
config setprop sogod ActiveSync disabled
signal-event nethserver-sogo-update
To disable ActiveSync on WebTop:
config setprop webtop ActiveSync disabled
signal-event nethserver-webtop4-update
All incoming mail filters configured within SOGo, must be manually recreated inside WebTop interface. The same apply if the user is switching from WebTop to SOGo.
Active Directory authentication¶
After performing the join to Active Directory domain, access WebTop administration page, then from tree menu on the left, select Domain -> NethServer.
Edit the following fields:
- Authentication Uri: select
mode and insert the full FQDN of the server and port 389. Example: w2k8.nethserver.org:389 - Admin LDAP: user name of AD domain administrator
- LDAP Password: user password of AD domain administrator
After saving, the page Users will display users from Active Directory.
Importing from SOGo¶
You can migrate some data from SOGo to WebTop using the following script:
- Calendars:
- Address books:
Before using the scripts you need to install this package:
yum install php-mysql -y
When launching the scripts, indicate the user name you want to import from SOGo:
php /usr/share/webtop/doc/sogo2webtop_cal.php <user>
php /usr/share/webtop/doc/sogo2webtop_card.php <user>
Where user
can be a username or all
Import all address books from SOGo:
php /usr/share/webtop/doc/sogo2webtop_card.php all
Import the calendar of user “foo”:
php /usr/share/webtop/doc/sogo2webtop_cal.php foo
If the script is executed multiple times, both calendars and address books will be imported multiple times. Import of distribution lists and recurring events are not currently supported.
Importing from Outlook PST¶
You can import email, calendars and address books from an Outlook PST archive.
Before using followings scripts, you will need to install libpst package:
yum install libpst -y
Initial script to import mail messages: /usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop.sh
To start the import, run the script specifying the PST file and the system user:
/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop.sh <filename.pst> <user>
All mail messages will be imported. Contacts and calendars will be saved inside a temporary files for later import. The script will list all created temporary files.
Script for contacts import: /usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_card.php
The script will use files generated from mail import phase:
/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_card.php <user> <file_to_import> <phonebook_category>
Let us assume that the pst2webtop.sh script has generated following output from mail import:
Contacts Folder found: Cartelle personali/Contatti/contacts
Import to webtop:
./pst2webtop_card.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Cartelle personali/Contatti/contacts' <foldername>
To import the default address book (WebTop) of foo user:
/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_card.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Cartelle personali/Contatti/contacts' WebTop
Script for calendars import: /usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_cal.php
The script will use files generated from mail import phase:
/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_cal.php <user> <file_to_import> <foldername>
Let us assume that the pst2webtop.sh script has generated following output from mail import:
Events Folder found: Cartelle personali/Calendario/calendar
Import to webtop:
./pst2webtop_cal.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Cartelle personali/Calendario/calendar' <foldername>
To import the default calendar (WebTop) of foo user:
/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_cal.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Cartelle personali/Calendario/calendar' WebTop
The script will import all events using the timezone selected by the user inside WebTop, if set. Otherwise system timezone will be used.
Google and Dropbox integration¶
Users can add their own Google Drive and Dropbox accounts inside WebTop. Before proceeding, the administrator must create a pair of API access credentials.
Google API¶
Access https://console.developers.google.com/project and create a new project
Create new credentials by selecting “OAuth 2.0 clientID” type and remember to compile “OAuth consent screen” section
Insert new credentials (Client ID e Client Secret) inside WebTop configuration
From shell, access webtop database:
su - postgres -c "psql webtop"
Execute the queries, using the corresponding value in place of
variable:INSERT INTO settings (idsetting,value) VALUES ('main.googledrive.clientid', '__value__'); INSERT INTO settings (idsetting,value) VALUES ('main.googledrive.clientsecret', '__value__');
Dropbox API¶
Access https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps and create a new app
Insert the new credential key pair (App key e App secret) inside WebTop configuration
From shell, access webtop database:
su - postgres -c "psql webtop"
Execute the queries, using the corresponding value in place of
variable:INSERT INTO settings (idsetting,value) VALUES ('main.googledrive.clientsecret', '__value__'); INSERT INTO settings (idsetting,value) VALUES ('main.dropbox.appsecret', '__value__');
If you need to raise the user limit, please read the official Dropbox documentation.
The Enterprise version is already integrated with Google and Dropbox.