

This application installs the Nginx web server with PHP programming language and SFTPGo to upload files.

You can install multiple WebServer instances on the same node from the Software center.


How to configure:

  1. access the application Settings page and enter the path for SFTPGo, eg. /sftpgo

  2. choose a public TCP port for the sFTP server

  3. enable HTTP to HTTPS option accordingly to your needs

  4. Click the Save button

At the end of the configuration the web interface will display the public TCP port to access the MariaDB instance.

The SFTPGo instance will be available at the https://<server_fqn>/<path>. Default credentials for Web Admin of SFTPGo are:

  • user: admin

  • password: admin

Please change them after the first login.

Virtual hosts#

You can host multiple sites by creating a virtual host for each site inside the Virtual hosts page. To create a virtual host click on Create a virtual host button.

A new SFTP user will be created for each virtual host. Default user credentials will be displayed inside the virtual host card.

You can now use the SFTPGo web interface, or a sFTP client, to upload files to your virtual host.